
Forum of Israeli peace NGOs

The Forum of Israeli Peace NGOs was established in 2005 by Dr. Ron Pundak as an Israeli and Palestinian project at the Peres Center for Peace. Pundak was the chairman of the Israeli side and Riyad al-Maliki of the Palestinian side. The Forum was established with the aims of creating a platform and a common language between Israeli and Palestinian civil society organizations and to trying to change our common reality through them, as long as this is not being done through the Israeli government and the Knesset.

The Forum of Israeli Peace NGOs works with the aim of strengthening cooperation between Israeli civil society organizations, decision makers and the international arena to promote peace, reconciliation, equality and human rights. Our Forum seeks to  promote and strengthen the activities of the member organizations while presenting a significant alternative to the political agenda. The Forum of Israeli Peace NGOs believes that in the Israeli reality of violence, racism, political reluctance and lack of trust in peace solutions, the extensive work of our member organizations has a critical contribution to promoting a vision and processes of peace and reconciliation.

We operate in four channels:


This platform channel enables us to initiate cooperation between the organizations, strengthen their ability to influence the socio-political discourse, and promote a vision and process for peace. We hold internal joint peace events, strengthening the relationship through the media and working groups to promote effective work between our organizations and Israeli policy makers.


This channel is for development and initiation of public, social, media, and political activity to promote a peaceful and just end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as an alternative to the perceptions and barriers still prevalent.


This channel is for managing communication channels with Palestinian Authority institutions and civil society organizations to promote joint peace and reconciliation programs.


This channel is for mobilizing the international community, world Jewry and supporters of Israel for active and significant support in the peaceful and just settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Board of Directors:

Eli Safran

Chairman of the Forum of Israeli Peace NGOs

Leah Shakdiel

Oz and Shalom

Baruch Velleman

Treasurer and Representative for Foreign Relations

Baruch Shalev

Social Workers for Peace and Wellbeing

Hilla Tov

Social TV

Aryeh Zeidan

Our Heritage

Tal Neve


Steering Commitee:


Dr. Warda Sada

Mor Sela @Targeted

Mor Sela

פארלי שחר

Pe’er-li Shahar

משה צרטוף

Moshe Chertoff